We're at home in any & all maritime sectors...

We supply personnel for all types of dredgers, TSHD, CSD, Bucket dredgers, booster stations, crane barges and backhoe dredgers. Also for land-based sand fill foreman, heavy duty equipment operators and technical maintenance. Hydrographic surveyors, survey boat operation as well as site managers.

Towing & Anchor Handling
We supply expert personnel for all your towing operations. We have experienced personnel with sailing experience on tractor-, ASD-, conventional-, and rotor tugs, as well as anchor handling in shallow and deep water. Our pool contains DP officers and masters in all levels. We specialise in operators for multicats and workboats.

Offshore - Subsea
In our pool we have personnel for your SSDU, AHTS and crane barge. Specialist experienced crew that can operate your vessel.

We can supply your personnel for windmill foundation and installation, as well as personnel for your jackup including barge foremen, jacking engineer, deck foreman and crane operators for all different types of cranes.